diffCheck.df-b_geometries modules


diffCheck.df-b_geometries modules#

This page contains 2 modules for the geometries:

  1. diffCheck.df_geometries module contains all the objects and functions to handle geometries of a structure in the DiffCheck library.

  2. diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry module contains all the objects and functions to handle mesh and point cloud geometries in diffCheck.

diffCheck.df_geometries module#

This module represent the geometry of a structure in the DiffCheck library. It contains the following classes:

This is how these geometris are related:

   state DFAssembly {

      [*] --> DFBeam
      state DFBeam {

         [*] --> DFJoint
         DFJoint --> DFFace

         state DFFace {
            [*] --> DFVertex


The diffCheck.df_geometries.DFJoint is only generated when accessed from the diffCheck.df_geometries.DFAssembly or diffCheck.df_geometries.DFBeam objects. It exists only as a convinience container for the joints.

class diffCheck.df_geometries.DFAssembly(beams, name)#

Bases: object

This class represents an assembly of beams


beam (DFBeam)

property all_joint_faces#
property all_joints#
property all_side_faces#
property all_vertices#
beams: List[DFBeam]#

Create a deep copy of the assembly

dump_xml(pretty_xml, dir)#

Dump the pretty XML to a file

  • pretty_xml (str) – The pretty XML string

  • dir (str) – The directory to save the XML

property mass_center#
name: str#

Remove a beam from the assembly


beam_assembly_index (int)


Dump the assembly’s meshes to an XML file. On top of the DiffCheck datatypes and structure, we export the underlaying beams’s meshes from Rhino as vertices and faces.

Return xml_string:

The pretty XML string

property total_number_joints#
property uuid#
class diffCheck.df_geometries.DFBeam(name, faces)#

Bases: object

This class represents a beam, in diffCheck, a beam is a collection of faces

property center#
faces: List[DFFace]#
classmethod from_brep_face(brep, is_roundwood=False)#

Create a DFBeam from a RhinoBrep object. It also removes duplicates and creates a list of unique faces.

property index_assembly#
property joint_faces#
property joints#
name: str#
property number_joints#
property side_faces#

Convert the beam to a Rhino Brep object


Convert the beam to a Rhino Mesh object

property uuid#
property vertices#
class diffCheck.df_geometries.DFFace(all_loops, joint_id=None)#

Bases: object

This class represents a face, in diffCheck, a face is a collection of vertices.

all_loops: List[List[DFVertex]]#
classmethod from_brep_face(brep_face, joint_id=None)#

Create a DFFace from a Rhino Brep face

  • brep_face (BrepFace) – The Rhino Brep face

  • joint_id (Optional[int]) – The joint id

Return face:

The DFFace object

property is_joint#
joint_id: Optional[int] = None#

Convert the face to a Rhino Brep planar face

Return brep_face:

The Rhino Brep planar face


Convert the face to a Rhino Mesh

Return mesh:

The Rhino Mesh object

property uuid#
class diffCheck.df_geometries.DFJoint(id, faces)#

Bases: object

This class represents a joint, in diffCheck, a joint is a collection of faces For convenience, this is used only as a return type from the DFBeam class’s property for retrieveing joints

faces: List[DFFace]#
id: int#

Convert the joint to a Rhino Brep object


Convert the joint to a Rhino Mesh object

property uuid#

It retrives the automatic identifier, not the one of the joint in the beam

class diffCheck.df_geometries.DFVertex(x, y, z)#

Bases: object

This class represents a vertex, a simple container with 3 coordinates

classmethod from_rg_point3d(point)#

Create a DFVertex from a Rhino Point3d object


point (Point3d) – The Rhino Point3d object

Return vertex:

The DFVertex object


Convert the vertex to a Rhino Point3d object

Return point:

The Rhino Point3d object

property uuid#
x: float#
y: float#
z: float#

diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry module#

A submodule for wrap geometries in df.

class diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFMesh#

Bases: pybind11_object

A class for the triangle mesh representation.

property colors_face#
property colors_vertex#
compute_distance(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFMesh, target_cloud: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, is_abs: bool = True) list[float]#
property faces#
get_num_faces(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFMesh) int#
get_num_vertices(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFMesh) int#
get_tight_bounding_box(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFMesh) list[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]#
load_from_PLY(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFMesh, arg0: str) None#
property normals_face#
property normals_vertex#
sample_points_uniformly(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFMesh, arg0: int) diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud#
property vertices#
class diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud#

Bases: pybind11_object

A class for the point cloud representation.

add_points(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, arg0: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) None#
apply_color(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, r: int, g: int, b: int) None#
apply_transformation(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, transformation: diffCheck::transformation::DFTransformation) None#
property colors#
compute_distance(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, target_cloud: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) list[float]#
downsample_by_size(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, target_size: int) None#
estimate_normals(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, use_cilantro_evaluator: bool = False, knn: int | None = 100, search_radius: float | None = None) None#
get_axis_aligned_bounding_box(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) list[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]#
get_center_point(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]#
get_num_colors(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) int#
get_num_normals(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) int#
get_num_points(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) int#

Get the number of points in the point cloud.

get_tight_bounding_box(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) list[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]#
has_colors(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) bool#
has_normals(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) bool#
has_points(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud) bool#
load_from_PLY(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, arg0: str) None#
property normals#
property points#
remove_statistical_outliers(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, nb_neighbors: int, std_ratio: float) None#
uniform_downsample(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, every_k_points: int) None#
voxel_downsample(self: diffCheck.diffcheck_bindings.dfb_geometry.DFPointCloud, voxel_size: float) None#