“AR-327-Introduction to computational architecture” is an hands-on course taught at bachelor level at EPFL. The main goal is to transmit to students a computational thinking in design via the use of text programming. The course is designed for absolute beginners in programming. For the 2024 spring semester we focus on the use of Python in Rhino3D for computational timber design.

Legend: Theory + in-class exercise Assignement deadline

1 Rhino

[1] 22-02-2024: Rhino-intro, Rhino-interface, Rhino-viewport, Rhino-transform, Rhino-macros 5%, deadline:29-02-2024 12:59: 01-custom-macros

2 Python

[2] 29-02-2024: Intro-to-programming, IDE Intro-to-Python, Variable, Primitive-datatypes, String, Int/Float, Boolean/If-Statement

[3] 07-03-2024: Collections, List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary, Loop, Functions Functions-good-practices 15%, deadline:14-03-2024 12:59: 02-Python-basics

[4] 14-03-2024: OOP, Class, Methods, Magic-methods Static-methods, Encapsulation, Properties, Inheritance Composition, 15%, deadline:21-03-2024 12:59: 03-Python-oop

3 RhinoPython

[5] 21-03-2024: Modules, Libraries, RhinoPython-intro, RhinoPython-RhinoCommon, RhinoPython-RhinoScriptSyntax, RhinoPython-How-to-use-the-docs

[6] 28-03-2024: Intro, Points, Lines, Polylines, Vectors, Planes, Circles

20%, deadline:18-04-2024 12:59: 04-2D-objects

[7] 11-04-2024: Transformation Translation Rotation Uniform-scaling Non-uniform-scaling Plane-to-plane

[8] 18-04-2024: Intro-to-3D-objects, Planar surfaces, NURBS surfaces, Boxes, Cylinder

[9] 25-04-2024: Bounding-Box BREP BREP-Properties BREP-Methods

20%, deadline:16-05-2024 12:59: 05-3D-objects

[10] 02-05-2024: BooleanOp-intro, BooleanOp-union, BooleanOp-difference, BooleanOp-intersection, BooleanOp-split

[11] 16-05-2024: Headless-Rhino 25%, deadline:30-05-2024 12:59: 06-ComputationalTimber