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Geometry Framework

Illustration of the Geometry Framework design and the data flow. ><

The geometry framework provides a unified infrastructure for handling all 3D objects in the scene, including CAD models, scanned models, and fabrication instructions. This framework enables easy interaction between application layers and 3D objects while being tightly integrated with the rendering system, which implicitly manages OpenGL resources, simplifying the workload for application layers.

Usage of Geometry Framework

The geometry framework is defined in GOPrimitive.h. The geometry is organized into the following primitive shapes: point, line, circle, cylinder, polyline, triangle, mesh, and text. Each of them is a class (e.g., GOPoint, GOLine, GOCircle, etc.) that inherits the base class GOPrimitive, where "GO" stands for Geometry Object. The base class manages general attributes and provides interfaces such as visibility and transformation, while the subclasses handle their specific data and functions.

class GOPrimitive
    inline uint32_t GetId() { return m_Id; }
    inline GOTypeFlags GetType() { return m_Type; }

    inline void SetVisibility(bool isVisible) { m_IsVisible = isVisible; }
    inline bool GetVisibility() { return m_IsVisible; }
    inline void SetColor(glm::vec4 color) { m_Color = color; InitGLObject();}
    inline glm::vec4 GetColor() const { return m_Color; }
    inline void SetName(std::string name) { m_Name = std::move(name); }
    inline std::string GetName() const { return m_Name; }

    virtual void Transform(const glm::mat4x4& transformMat) {};
    virtual void Translate(const glm::vec3& translation) {};

    inline void Draw() { for(auto glObject : m_GLObjects) glObject->Draw(); }

    uint32_t m_Id;
    std::string m_Name;
    bool m_IsVisible;
    glm::vec4 m_Color;
    GOTypeFlags m_Type;
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GLObject> > m_GLObjects;


The m_Id would be generated automatically when a new GO is initialized and is ensured to be unique in the system. m_Type can be used to easily determine the sub-class while the object is held as a GOPrimitive pointer. Draw() and m_GLObjects are used for rendering, which will be introduced in AR-rendering.

class GOLine : public GOPrimitive
    GOLine(GOPoint p1, GOPoint p2, float weight = GOWeight::Default);

    static std::shared_ptr<GOLine> Add();
        * @brief Add GOLine to the scene.
        * @param p1 First point of the line.
        * @param p2 Second point of the line.
        * @param weight Weight of the line.
        * @return uint32_t Id of the line.
    static std::shared_ptr<GOLine> Add(GOPoint p1, GOPoint p2, float weight = GOWeight::Default);

        * @brief Compute the angle between the current line object and another one with a sign
        * @param ptrGO2 the second line
        * @return float the angle in degrees
    float ComputeSignedAngle(std::shared_ptr<GOLine> ptrGO2);

    GOPoint m_PStart;
    GOPoint m_PEnd;

friend class GOPoint;


To initialize a GO object, instead of calling the constructor, one must use the static function Add() of the corresponding class to create an object. This is due to the design of the GORegistry, which manages all GOs, ensuring them accessible across the system.

Creating a GO

The GO needed to be initialized using Add() function, which returns a std::shared_ptr<GO>. For example, to create a point at the origin:

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> origin = GOPoint::Add(0, 0, 0);

The only exception that you can create without using the Add() function is GOPoint, as they are used as parameters in other GOs. For example, to create a GOLine:

GOPoint p1 = GOPoint(0, 0, 0);
GOPoint p2 = GOPoint(1, 1, 1);
std::shared_ptr<GOLine> line = GOLine::Add(p1, p2);

GO Registry

The system maintains a global registry, GORegistry, to keep track of all GOs. When the Add() function of the GO is called, it acquires a unique UUID(m_Id) and registers itself in the global hash table. Since this table is accessible throughout the entire system, it maximize the accessbility of GOs.

Interact with GO Registry

To access the global registry, one can use the macro AIAC_GOREG to get the instance. It provides two APIs to retrive GO(s): either getting one by its UUID or all objects registered in the system.

To retrieve a GO by its id:

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> obj = AIAC_GOREG->GetGO<GOPoint>(id);

To get all GOs in the registry:

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GOPrimitive>> gos;