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Struct AIAC::SaberSawData

ClassList > AIAC > SaberSawData

Public Attributes

Type Name
std::string NameACIT
name of the toolhead
glm::vec3 NormEndACIT
end of the normal of the blade plane
std::shared_ptr< GOPoint > NormEndGO
glm::vec3 NormStartACIT
start of the normal of the blade plane
std::shared_ptr< GOPoint > NormStartGO
glm::vec3 ToolbaseACIT
position of the base of the toolhead
std::shared_ptr< GOPoint > ToolbaseGO
GOPoints equivalent.
glm::vec3 TooltipACIT
position of the tip of the toolhead
std::shared_ptr< GOPoint > TooltipGO

Public Functions

Type Name
SaberSawData ()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable NameACIT

name of the toolhead

std::string AIAC::SaberSawData::NameACIT;

variable NormEndACIT

end of the normal of the blade plane

glm::vec3 AIAC::SaberSawData::NormEndACIT;

variable NormEndGO

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> AIAC::SaberSawData::NormEndGO;

variable NormStartACIT

start of the normal of the blade plane

glm::vec3 AIAC::SaberSawData::NormStartACIT;

variable NormStartGO

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> AIAC::SaberSawData::NormStartGO;

variable ToolbaseACIT

position of the base of the toolhead

glm::vec3 AIAC::SaberSawData::ToolbaseACIT;

variable ToolbaseGO

GOPoints equivalent.

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> AIAC::SaberSawData::ToolbaseGO;

variable TooltipACIT

position of the tip of the toolhead

glm::vec3 AIAC::SaberSawData::TooltipACIT;

variable TooltipGO

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> AIAC::SaberSawData::TooltipGO;

Public Functions Documentation

function SaberSawData

inline AIAC::SaberSawData::SaberSawData () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/AIAC/ACInfoToolhead.h