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Struct AIAC::ChainSawData

ClassList > AIAC > ChainSawData

Public Attributes

Type Name
glm::vec3 ChainBaseACIT
point start of the basetool
std::shared_ptr< GOPoint > ChainBaseGO
GOPoints equivalent.
std::shared_ptr< GOPoint > ChainEndGO
glm::vec3 ChainMidACIT
point in the middle of the chain
std::shared_ptr< GOPoint > ChainMidGO
glm::vec3 ChainNormEndACIT
point end of the chain before the round tip
std::string NameACIT
name of the toolhead
glm::vec3 NormEndACIT
end of the normal of the plateau plane
std::shared_ptr< GOPoint > NormEndGO
glm::vec3 NormStartACIT
start of the normal of the plateau plane
std::shared_ptr< GOPoint > NormStartGO
float OverhangACIT
the overhang width of the teeth of the blade from one side
float ThicknessACIT
the overhaul thickness of the blade
float WidthACIT
width of the chain

Public Functions

Type Name
ChainSawData ()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable ChainBaseACIT

point start of the basetool

glm::vec3 AIAC::ChainSawData::ChainBaseACIT;

variable ChainBaseGO

GOPoints equivalent.

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> AIAC::ChainSawData::ChainBaseGO;

variable ChainEndGO

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> AIAC::ChainSawData::ChainEndGO;

variable ChainMidACIT

point in the middle of the chain

glm::vec3 AIAC::ChainSawData::ChainMidACIT;

variable ChainMidGO

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> AIAC::ChainSawData::ChainMidGO;

variable ChainNormEndACIT

point end of the chain before the round tip

glm::vec3 AIAC::ChainSawData::ChainNormEndACIT;

variable NameACIT

name of the toolhead

std::string AIAC::ChainSawData::NameACIT;

variable NormEndACIT

end of the normal of the plateau plane

glm::vec3 AIAC::ChainSawData::NormEndACIT;

variable NormEndGO

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> AIAC::ChainSawData::NormEndGO;

variable NormStartACIT

start of the normal of the plateau plane

glm::vec3 AIAC::ChainSawData::NormStartACIT;

variable NormStartGO

std::shared_ptr<GOPoint> AIAC::ChainSawData::NormStartGO;

variable OverhangACIT

the overhang width of the teeth of the blade from one side

float AIAC::ChainSawData::OverhangACIT;

variable ThicknessACIT

the overhaul thickness of the blade

float AIAC::ChainSawData::ThicknessACIT;

variable WidthACIT

width of the chain

float AIAC::ChainSawData::WidthACIT;

Public Functions Documentation

function ChainSawData

inline AIAC::ChainSawData::ChainSawData () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/AIAC/ACInfoToolhead.h