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Class AIAC::LayerUtils

ClassList > AIAC > LayerUtils

Inherits the following classes: AIAC::Layer

Public Functions

Type Name
void ExportHoleToolheadAxis ()
Export and write the hole and toolhead coordinates.
std::string GetSaveFolderPath ()
Get the current save folder path for the utils.
bool IsProcessing ()
Check if the video is being processed.
LayerUtils ()
virtual void OnFrameEnd () override
Is called when frame ends.
void SetSaveFolderPath (const std::string & path)
Set the save folder path for the utils from UI.
void SetWindowScreenshot (bool value)
Set the flag to check if the screenshot is of the window.
void StartRecording ()
Start recording the video of a window.
void StopRecording ()
Stop recording the video of a window.
void TakeBufferScreenshot ()
Take a screenshot of the colored buffer.
void TakeWindowScreenshot ()
Take a screenshot of the current window.

Public Functions inherited from AIAC::Layer

See AIAC::Layer

Type Name
virtual void OnAttach ()
Is called when the layer is attached to the application.
virtual void OnDetach ()
Is called when the layer is detached from the application (~app).
virtual void OnFrameAwake ()
Is calle before GLFW poll events, GL frame and Imgui Frame.
virtual void OnFrameEnd ()
Is called when frame ends.
virtual void OnFrameFall ()
Is called when the GLFW, GL and Imgui frame is updated and rendered.
virtual void OnFrameStart ()
Is called when frame starts.
virtual ~Layer () = default

Public Static Functions

Type Name
bool CreateFolder (const std::string & path)
Create a folder if it does not exist.

Public Functions Documentation

function ExportHoleToolheadAxis

Export and write the hole and toolhead coordinates.

void AIAC::LayerUtils::ExportHoleToolheadAxis () 

< hole and toolhead exporter

function GetSaveFolderPath

Get the current save folder path for the utils.

inline std::string AIAC::LayerUtils::GetSaveFolderPath () 


std::string Path to the current utils folder

function IsProcessing

Check if the video is being processed.

inline bool AIAC::LayerUtils::IsProcessing () 

function LayerUtils

AIAC::LayerUtils::LayerUtils () 

function OnFrameEnd

Is called when frame ends.

virtual void AIAC::LayerUtils::OnFrameEnd () override

Implements AIAC::Layer::OnFrameEnd

function SetSaveFolderPath

Set the save folder path for the utils from UI.

void AIAC::LayerUtils::SetSaveFolderPath (
    const std::string & path


  • path Path to the folder that comes from UI

function SetWindowScreenshot

Set the flag to check if the screenshot is of the window.

inline void AIAC::LayerUtils::SetWindowScreenshot (
    bool value


  • value True if the screenshot is of the window

function StartRecording

Start recording the video of a window.

void AIAC::LayerUtils::StartRecording () 

< video recorder

function StopRecording

Stop recording the video of a window.

void AIAC::LayerUtils::StopRecording () 

function TakeBufferScreenshot

Take a screenshot of the colored buffer.

void AIAC::LayerUtils::TakeBufferScreenshot () 

function TakeWindowScreenshot

Take a screenshot of the current window.

void AIAC::LayerUtils::TakeWindowScreenshot () 

< screenshot

Public Static Functions Documentation

function CreateFolder

Create a folder if it does not exist.

static bool AIAC::LayerUtils::CreateFolder (
    const std::string & path


  • path Path to the folder


true if the folder is created


false if the folder already exists

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/AIAC/LayerUtils.h