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Class AIAC::ACInfoToolhead

ClassList > AIAC > ACInfoToolhead

the class holding the information of the toolhead (GOs, metadata, etc)

  • #include <ACInfoToolhead.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
ACInfoToolhead () = default
ACInfoToolhead (std::string acitPath, std::string meshObjPath, int id)
void AddGOsInfo (ToolHeadData & data)
From the parse data acit, create the corresponding geometries (e.g. GOPoint for tooltip, toolbase, etc)
void AddGOsInfoChainSaw (ToolHeadData & data)
void AddGOsInfoCircularSaw (ToolHeadData & data)
void AddGOsInfoDrillBit (ToolHeadData & data)
void AddGOsInfoSaberSaw (ToolHeadData & data)
void CopyGOsInfoOriginal ()
copy the original transform of the GO infos
T GetData () const
access the data of the toolheads
int GetId () const
Get the id of the toolhead.
std::string GetName () const
Get the name of the toolhead.
__always_inline ACToolHeadType GetType () const
Retrieve the type of the toolhead.
std::string GetTypeString () const
Retrieve the type of the toolhead as a string.
void SetVisibility (bool visible)
Set the visibility of the geometries and widgets of the toolhead.
__always_inline std::string ToString () const
convert to a string byy getting the name
void Transform (glm::mat4 transform)
transform all the geometries, widgets and mesh contained in the ACInfoToolhead object
void TransformGO (std::shared_ptr< GOPrimitive > goPtr, std::shared_ptr< GOPrimitive > goOriginalPtr, glm::mat4 transform)
transform a specific geometry
void TransformSync ()
rotate around local x axis of the toolhead 90 degrees to match the AC coordinate system with the TTool coordinate system Should only be called once at loading time

Public Functions Documentation

function ACInfoToolhead [½]

AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::ACInfoToolhead () = default

function ACInfoToolhead [2/2]

AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::ACInfoToolhead (
    std::string acitPath,
    std::string meshObjPath,
    int id

function AddGOsInfo

From the parse data acit, create the corresponding geometries (e.g. GOPoint for tooltip, toolbase, etc)

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::AddGOsInfo (
    ToolHeadData & data

function AddGOsInfoChainSaw

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::AddGOsInfoChainSaw (
    ToolHeadData & data

function AddGOsInfoCircularSaw

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::AddGOsInfoCircularSaw (
    ToolHeadData & data

function AddGOsInfoDrillBit

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::AddGOsInfoDrillBit (
    ToolHeadData & data

function AddGOsInfoSaberSaw

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::AddGOsInfoSaberSaw (
    ToolHeadData & data

function CopyGOsInfoOriginal

copy the original transform of the GO infos

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::CopyGOsInfoOriginal () 

function GetData

access the data of the toolheads

template<typename T>
inline T AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::GetData () const

function GetId

Get the id of the toolhead.

inline int AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::GetId () const

function GetName

Get the name of the toolhead.

inline std::string AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::GetName () const

function GetType

Retrieve the type of the toolhead.

inline __always_inline ACToolHeadType AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::GetType () const

function GetTypeString

Retrieve the type of the toolhead as a string.

inline std::string AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::GetTypeString () const

function SetVisibility

Set the visibility of the geometries and widgets of the toolhead.

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::SetVisibility (
    bool visible

function ToString

convert to a string byy getting the name

inline __always_inline std::string AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::ToString () const

function Transform

transform all the geometries, widgets and mesh contained in the ACInfoToolhead object

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::Transform (
    glm::mat4 transform

function TransformGO

transform a specific geometry

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::TransformGO (
    std::shared_ptr< GOPrimitive > goPtr,
    std::shared_ptr< GOPrimitive > goOriginalPtr,
    glm::mat4 transform

function TransformSync

rotate around local x axis of the toolhead 90 degrees to match the AC coordinate system with the TTool coordinate system Should only be called once at loading time

void AIAC::ACInfoToolhead::TransformSync () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/AIAC/ACInfoToolhead.h