File LayerUI.h¶
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// #####################################################################
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGINNING OF LEGAL NOTICE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
// This source file, along with its associated content, was authored by
// Andrea Settimi, Hong-Bin Yang, Naravich Chutisilp, and numerous other
// contributors. The code was originally developed at the Laboratory for
// Timber Construction (IBOIS, director: Prof. Yves Weinand) at the School of
// Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) at the Swiss
// Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) for the Doctoral
// Research "Augmented Carpentry" (PhD researcher: Andrea Settimi,
// co-director: Dr. Julien Gamerro, director: Prof. Yves Weinand).
// Although the entire repository is distributed under the GPL license,
// these particular source files may also be used under the terms of the
// MIT license. By accessing or using this file, you agree to the following:
// 1. You may reproduce, modify, and distribute this file in accordance
// with the terms of the MIT license.
// 2. You must retain this legal notice in all copies or substantial
// portions of this file.
// 3. This file is provided "AS IS," without any express or implied
// warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of
// merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
// If you cannot or will not comply with the above conditions, you are
// not permitted to use this file. By proceeding, you acknowledge and
// accept all terms and conditions herein.
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END OF LEGAL NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// #####################################################################
#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include "AIAC/Layer.h"
#include "AIAC/Image.h"
#include "AIAC/Log.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "tslam.h"
#include "GlHeader.h"
#include "AIAC/UI/ImGuiFileDialog.h"
#define PATH_BUF_SIZE 200
namespace AIAC {
class PaneUI {
enum CollapseState {
typedef std::function<void()> Func;
PaneUI(const char *label, bool isCollapsed, Func func, Func onCollapseCallback=[]{})
: m_Label(label), m_IsCollapsed(isCollapsed), m_func(std::move(func)), m_onCollapseCallback(std::move(onCollapseCallback)) {
if (m_IsCollapsed) m_CollapseState = CollapseState::COLLAPSE;
else m_CollapseState = CollapseState::OPEN;
template<typename... Args>
void Show(Args &&... args);
template<typename... Args>
void CheckOnCollapsing(Args &&... args);
CollapseState m_CollapseState;
Func m_func;
Func m_onCollapseCallback;
const char *m_Label;
bool m_IsCollapsed;
class LayerUI : public AIAC::Layer {
LayerUI() = default;
virtual ~LayerUI() = default;
virtual void OnAttach() override;
virtual void OnFrameStart() override;
void OnUIRender();
virtual void OnDetach() override;
void ShowMenuBar();
void ShowMainUI();
void ShowSceneViewport();
void ShowFileSelectDialog();
void OpenFileSelectDialog(const char* title, const char* fileExt, char *path, std::function<void()> callback=[]{});
void ShowCombineMapPopup();
void ShowMappingPopup();
void ShowSaveMapFileDialog();
void ShowMapFileDialog(char *path);
void ShowReconstruct3DPopup();
void ShowReconExportFilePathDialog();
void ShowCamCalibPopup();
void ShowSaveCamCalibFileDialog();
void LoadReconstructParams();
void ShowSaveVideoRecorderFileDialog();
void ShowLogRecorderUI();
inline void StackPane(PaneUI pane) { m_PaneUIStack.emplace_back(std::move(pane)); }
void SetPaneUICamera();
void SetPaneUISlam();
void SetPaneUIToolhead();
void OnCollapsingPaneUIToolhead();
void SetPaneUIACIM();
void SetPaneUIUtils();
PaneUI* GetOpenedPaneUI() { return m_OpenedPaneUI; }
void SetOpenedPaneUI(PaneUI* paneUI) { m_OpenedPaneUI = paneUI; }
void SetGlobalViewUI(ImVec2 viewportSize);
AIAC::Image m_LogoLightClr;
AIAC::ImTexture m_SceneViewportImTexture;
AIAC::ImTexture m_MappingViewImTexture;
AIAC::ImTexture m_CamCalibViewImTexture;
AIAC::ImTexture m_ARCameraViewportImTexture;
ImVec2 m_LastMouseLPos, m_LastMouseRPos;
bool m_IsMouseLDown = false, m_IsMouseRDown = false;
enum class AdjustTarget {
} m_AdjustTarget = AdjustTarget::SCALE;
bool *m_IsOpen = nullptr;
std::vector<PaneUI> m_PaneUIStack;
PaneUI* m_OpenedPaneUI = nullptr;
// UI File Selection
std::string m_FileSelectDefaultPath = ".";
char m_TmpPathBuf[PATH_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
char *m_FileSelectionTargetBuf = nullptr;
std::function<void()> m_FileSelectionCallback = []{};
std::string m_VideoRecorderPathName;
bool m_IsCombiningMap = false;
bool m_IsReconstructing3D = false;
struct CombineMapParams{
char MapPathA[PATH_BUF_SIZE] = {0},
MapPathB[PATH_BUF_SIZE] = {0},
OutputPath[PATH_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
char *FilePathTarget;
} m_CombMapParams;
struct MappingParams{
bool ToOptimizeMap = true;
bool ToSaveMap = true;
char MapSavingPath[PATH_BUF_SIZE] = "./scanned_map/";
} m_MappingParams;
struct ReconstructParams {
char TagMapPath[PATH_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
char ExportPath[PATH_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
float RadiusSearch = 2.0f;
double CreaseAngleThreshold = 5.0f;
int MinClusterSize = 1;
double AABBScaleFactor = 1.1f;
double MaxPolyDist = 1.0f;
double MaxPlnDist = 1.0f;
double MaxPlnAngle = 5.0f;
double Eps = 1e-5f;
} m_ReconstructParams;
void LoadReconstructParamsFromFile(const char *filePath);
// Cam Calib
bool m_IsChoosingCamCalibFileSavePath = false;