Collection Type | Ordered | Mutable | Duplicate Elements | Indexing | Example |
Set | No | Yes | No | No | {"a", "b", 23} |
A set is a collection that is unordered and unchangeable* (in reality you can still add and remove elements). It does not allows to duplicate members.
# To create (instantiate)
a = {"a", "b", 23} # cannot have doubles!
# To retrieve an element
impossible! # only with list(a)[i]
# To remove an element
# To insert an element
🦊 set are often use for unique values. For example, if you want to find all the unique words in a text. You can use a set to do this. First, you would split the text into words. Then, you would add each word to a set. Since sets can only contain unique values, at the end you would have a set containing all the unique words in the text. This feature can be very handy! 🦊
🛠 Exercise
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