
Collection Type Ordered Mutable Duplicate Elements Indexing Example
Dictionary Yes (as of Python 3.7) Yes Yes (Values) Yes {“color”: True, “shape”: “circle”}

dictionnary is a collection that is ordered* (*After IronPython dictionnaries are unordered) and unchangeable. It does not allows to duplicate members. Each value of the dictionary is assigned a key.

# To create (instantiate)
dict = {color: True, shape: circle}

# To retrieve an element
b = dict[color]  # True

# To remove an element

# To insert an element
dict[weight] = 29.2

🦊 One major advantage of a dictionnary in Python is its ability to associate keys with values. This key-value pair system allows for efficient data retrieval. Instead of having to know an item’s index (as in a list or tuple), you can refer to the item by its key, which can be a more intuitive way to organize and access data. This makes dictionaries particularly useful for data structures where the data can be naturally identified by a unique key, such as a product ID in a database, a student’s ID in a school record system, or a word and its frequency in a text. 🦊

🛠 Exercise

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